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The Risen Empire: Book One of the Succession Kindle Edition
The undead Emperor has ruled his mighty interstellar empire of eighty human worlds for sixteen hundred years. Because he can grant a form of eternal life, creating an elite known as the Risen, his power has been absolute. He and his sister, the Child Empress, who is eternally a little girl, are worshiped as living gods. No one can touch them.
Not until the Rix, machine-augmented humans who worship very different gods: AI compound minds of planetary extent. The Rix are cool, relentless fanatics, and their only goal is to propagate such AIs throughout the galaxy. They seek to end, by any means necessary, the Emperor’s prolonged tyranny of one and supplant it with an eternal cybernetic dynasty of their own. They begin by taking the Child Empress hostage. Captain Laurent Zai of the Imperial Frigate Lynx is tasked with her rescue.
Separated by light-years, bound by an unlikely love, Zai and pacifist senator Nara Oxham must each in their own way, face the challenge of the Rix, and they each will hold the fate of the empire in their hands. The Risen Empire is the first great space opera of the twenty-first century.
“In the tradition of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series and Frank Herbert’s Dune books.” —The New York Times
“Confirms the buzz that space opera is one of the most exciting branches of current SF.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherTor Books
- Publication dateJuly 22, 2008
- File size2.8 MB
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Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Booklist
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
“Westerfeld illumines the clash of mighty galactic empires by focusing on individuals who, despite the distractions of war and politics, cannot help falling in love.” ―The New York Times
“Westerfeld's exceptionally smart and empathetic novel…confirms the buzz that space opera is one of the most exciting branches of current SF.” ―Publishers Weekly (starred review)
From the Back Cover
"The action moves with the pace of a well-executed military operation; a fascinating clash of supertechnologies. This story has everything: combat, intrigue, politics, and even an undead cat collection." -John C. Wright
The undead Emperor has ruled his mighty interstellar empire of eighty human worlds for sixteen hundred years. Because he can grant a form of eternal life, creating an elite known as the Risen, his power has been absolute. He is worshipped as a living god. No one can touch him.
Not until the Rix, machine-augmented humans who worship AI minds of planetary extent. The Rix are cool, relentless fanatics, whose only goal is to propagate such AIs throughout the galaxy. They seek to end the Emperor's tyranny, and replace it with an eternal cybernetic dynasty. They begin by taking hostage the Child Empress, his sister, who is eternally a little girl. Captain Laurent Zai of the Imperial Frigate Lynx is tasked with her rescue.
Separated by light years, bound by an unlikely love, Zai and pacifist Senator Nara Oxham must each, in their own way, face the challenge of the Rix, as they hold the fate of the empire in their hands.
From the acclaimed author of "Fine Prey," "Polymorph," and "Evolution's Darling" (Philip K. Dick Award special citation and a "New York Times" Notable Book) comes a sweeping epic, Succession, which begins in "The Risen Empire,"
About the Author
Scott Westerfeld lives in New York City and Sydney, Australia.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The five small craft passed from shadow, emerging with the suddenness of coins thrown into sunlight. The disks of their rotary wings shimmered in the air like heat, momentary rainbows flexing across prisms of motion. Master Pilot Jocim Marx noted with pleasure the precision of his squadron's formation. The other pilots' Intelligencer craft perfectly formed a square centered upon his own.
"Don't we look pretty?" Marx said.
"Pretty obvious, sir," Hendrik answered. She was the squadron's second pilot, and it was her job to worry.
"A little light won't hurt us," Marx said flatly. "The Rix haven't had time to build anything with eyes."
He said it not to remind Hendrik, who knew damn well, but to reassure their squadron-mates. The other three pilots were nervous; Marx could hear it in their silence. None of them had ever flown a mission of this importance before.
But then, who had?
Marx's own nerves were beginning to play on him. His squadron of Intelligencers had covered half the distance from dropsite to objective without meeting any resistance. The Rix were obviously ill-equipped, improvising against far greater force, relying on their single advantage: the hostages. But surely they had made preparations for small craft.
After a few moments in the sun, the waiting was over.
"I'm getting echolocation from dead ahead, sir," Pilot Oczar announced.
"I can see them," Hendrik added. "Lots of them."
The enemy interceptors resolved before Marx's eyes as his craft responded to the threat, enhacing vision with its other senses, incorporating data from the squadron's other craft into his layers of synesthesia. As Marx had predicted, the interceptors were small, unpiloted drones. Their only weapon was a long, sinuous grappling arm that hung from the rotary lifting surface, which was more screw than blade. The devices looked rather like something da Vinci might have designed four millennia ago, a contraption powered by the toil of tiny men.
The interceptors dangled before Marx. There were a lot of them, and in their host they impelled the same vaguely obscene fascination as creatures from the deepest ocean. One moved toward his craft, arms flailing with a blind and angry abandon.
Master Pilot Marx tilted his Intelligencer's rotary wing forward and increased its power. His ship rose above the interceptor, barely missing collision with the enemy's lifting screw. Marx grimaced at the near miss. Another interceptor came into focus before him, this one a little higher, and he reversed his wing's rotation, pushing the ship down, dropping below its grasp.
Around him, the other pilots cursed as they pitched their craft through the swarm of interceptors. Their voices came at him from all sides of his cockpit, directionally biased to reflect their position relative to his.
From above, Hendrik spoke, the tension of a hard turn in her voice. "You've seen these before, sir?"
"Negative," he replied. He'd fought the Rix Cult many times, but their small craft were evolutionary. Small, random differences in design were scattered throughout every generation. Characteristics that succeeded were incorporated into the next production round. You never knew what new shapes and strategies Rix craft might assume. "The arms are longer than I've seen, and the behavior's more…volatile."
"They sure look pissed off," Hendrik agreed.
Her choice of words was apt. Two interceptors ahead of Marx sensed his craft, and their arms began to flail with the sudden intensity of alligators when prey has stepped into reach. He rolled his Intelligencer sideways, narrowing his vulnerable area as he slipped between them.
But there were more and more of the interceptors, and his Intelligencer's profile was still too large. Marx retracted his craft's sensory array, trading away vision for compact size. At this range, however, the closest interceptors resolved to terrible clarity, the data layers provided by first-, second-, and third-level sight almost choking his mind. Marx could see (hear, smell) the individual segments of a grasping arm flexing like a snake's spine, the cilia of an earspot casting jagged shadows in the hard sunlight. Marx squinted at the cilia, gesturing for a zoom until the little hairs towered around him like a forest.
"They're using sound to track us," he announced. "Silence your echolocators now."
The view before him blurred as sonar data was lost. If Marx was right, and the interceptors were audio-only, his squadron would be undetectable to them now.
"I'm tangled!" Pilot Oczar shouted from below him. "One's got a sensor post!"
"Don't fight!" Marx ordered. "Just lizard."
"Ejecting post," Oczar said, releasing his ship's captured limb.
Marx hazarded a glance downward. A flailing interceptor tumbled slowly away from Oczar's ship, clinging to the ejected sensor post with blind determination. The Intelligencer tilted crazily as its pilot tried to compensate for broken symmetry.
"They're getting heavy, sir," Hendrik warned. Marx switched his view to Hendrik's perspective for a moment. From her high vantage, a thickening swarm of interceptors was clearly visible ahead. The bright lines of their long grapples sparkled like a shattered, drifting spiderweb in the sun.
There were too many.
Of course, there were backups already advancing from the dropsite. If this first wave of Intelligencers was destroyed, another squadron would be ready, and eventually a craft or two would get through. But there wasn't time. The rescue mission required onsite intelligence, and soon. Failure to provide it would certainly end careers, might even constitute an Error of Blood.
One of these five craft had to make it.
"Tighten up the formation and increase lift," Marx ordered. "Oczar, you stay down."
"Yes, sir," the man answered quietly. Oczar knew what Marx intended for his craft.
The rest of the squadron swept in close to Marx. The four Intelligencers rose together, jostling through the writhing defenders.
"Time for you to make some noise, Oczar," Marx said. "Extend your sensor posts to full length and activity."
"Up to a hundred, sir."
Marx looked down as Oczar's craft grew, a spider with twenty splayed legs emerging suddenly from a seed, a time-lapse of a flower relishing sunlight. The interceptors around Oczar grew more detailed as his craft became fully active, bathing their shapes with ultrasonic pulses, microlaser distancing, and millimeter radar.
Already, the dense cloud of interceptors was beginning to react. Like a burst of pollen caught by a sudden wind, they shifted toward Oczar's craft.
"We're going through blind and silent," Marx said to the other pilots. "Find a gap and push toward it hard. We'll be cutting main power."
"One tangle, sir," Oczar said. "Two."
"Feel free to defend yourself."
"Yes, sir!"
On Marx's status board, the counterdrones in Oczar's magazine counted down quickly. The man launched a pair as he confirmed the order, then another a few seconds later. The interceptors must be all over him. Marx glanced down at Oczar's craft. The bilateral geometries of its deployed sensor array were starting to twist, burdened by the thrashing defenders. Through the speakers, Oczar grunted with the effort of keeping his craft intact.
Marx raised his eyes from the battle and peered forward. The remainder of the squadron was reaching the densest rank of the interceptor cloud. Oczar's diversion had thinned it somewhat, but there was still scant space to fit through.
"Pick your hole carefully," Marx said. "Get some speed up. Retraction on my mark. Five…four…three…"
He let the count fade, concentrating on flying his own craft. He had aimed his Intelligencer toward a gap in the interceptors, but one had drifted into the center of his path. Marx reversed his rotor and boosted power, driving his craft downward.
The drone loomed closer, lured by the whine of his surging main rotor. He hoped the extra burst would be enough.
"Retract now!" he ordered. The view blurred and faded as the sensor posts on the ship furled. In seconds, Marx's vision went dark.
"Cut your main rotors," he commanded.
The small craft would be almost silent now, impelled only by the small, flywheel-powered stabilizer wing at their rear. It would push them forward until it ran down. But the four surviving craft were already beginning to fall.
Marx checked the altimeter's last reading: 174 centimeters. At that height, the craft would take at least a minute before they hit the ground. Even with its sensor array furled and main rotor stalled, in a normal-density atmosphere an intelligence craft fell no faster than a speck of dust.
Indeed, the Intelligencers were not much larger than specks of dust, and were somewhat lighter. With a wingspan of a single millimeter, they were very small craft indeed.
* * *
Master Pilot Jocim Marx, Imperial Naval Intelligence, had flown microships for eleven years. He was the best.
He had scouted for light infantry in the Coreward Bands Revolt. His machine then had been the size and shape of two hands cupping water, the hemispherical surface holed with dozens of carbon whisker fans, each of which could run at its own speed. He was deployed on the battlefield in those days, flying his craft through a VR helmet. He stayed with the platoon staff under their portable forcefield, wandering about blind to his surroundings. That had never set easy with him; he constantly imagined a slug finding him, the real world intruding explosively on the synesthetic realm inside his helmet. Marx was very good, though, at keeping his craft steady in the unpredictable Bandian winds. His craft would paint enemy snipers with an undetectable x-ray laser, which swarms of smart needle-bullets followed to unerring kills. Mark's steady hand could guide a projectile into a centimeter-wide seam in personal armor, or through the eye-slit of a sniper's camopolymer blind.
Later, he flew penetrators against Rix hovertanks in the Incursion. These projectiles were hollow cylinders, about the size of a child's finger. They were launched by infantryman, encased in a rocket-propelled shell for the first half of their short flight. When the penetrator deployed, breaking free the instant it spotted a target, it flew purely on momentum. Ranks of tiny control surfaces lined the inside of the cylinder, like the baleen plates of some plankton-feeder. The weapon's supersonic flight was an exercise in extreme delicacy. Too hard a nudge and a penetrator would tumble uselessly. But when it hit a Rix tank just right, its maw precisely aligned to the hexagonal weave of the armor, it cut through metal and ceramic like a rip propagating down a cloth seam. Inside, the projectile disintegrated into countless molecular viruses, breaking down the machine in minutes. Marx flew dozens of ten-second missions each day, and was plagued at night with fitful microdreams of launch and collision. Eventually, backpack Al proved better for the job than human pilots, but Marx's old flight recordings were still studied by nascent intelligences for their elegance and flair.
The last few decades, Marx had worked with the Navy. Small craft were now truly small, fullerene constructions no bigger than a few millimeters across when furled, built by even smaller machines and powered by exotic transuranium batteries. They were largely for intelligence gathering, although they had offensive uses. Marx had flown a specially fitted Intelligencer into a fiberoptic Al hub during the Dhantu Liberation, carrying a load of glass-eating nanos that had dismantled the rebel's communication system planetwide within minutes.
Master Pilot Marx preferred the safety of the Navy. At his age, being on the battlefield had lost its thrill. Now Marx controlled his craft from shipside, hundreds of kilometers away from the action. He reclined in the comfort of a smartgel seat like some fighter pilot of yore, bathed in synesthetic images that allowed him three levels of sight, the parts of his brain normally dedicated to hearing, smell, and tactile sensations all given over to vision. Marx experienced his ship's environment as a true pilot should, as if he himself had been shrunk to the size of a human cell.
He loved the microscopic scale of his new assignment. In his darkened cabin on sleepless nights, Marx burned incense and watched the smoke rise through the bright, pencil-width shaft of an emergency flashlight. He noted how air currents curled, how ghostly snakes could be spun with the movement of a finger, a puff of breath. With an inhumanly steady hand he moved a remote microscope carefully through the air, projecting its images onto the cabin wall, watching and learning the behavior of microscopic particles aloft.
Sometimes during these dark and silent vigils, Jocim Marx allowed himself to think that he was the best microcraft pilot in the fleet.
He was right.
Copyright © 2003 by Scott Westerfeld
Product details
- ASIN : B004JF5YQ2
- Publisher : Tor Books; 2nd edition (July 22, 2008)
- Publication date : July 22, 2008
- Language : English
- File size : 2.8 MB
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Screen Reader : Supported
- Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
- X-Ray : Not Enabled
- Word Wise : Enabled
- Print length : 354 pages
- Best Sellers Rank: #168,489 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
- #725 in Galactic Empire Science Fiction eBooks
- #877 in Space Fleet Science Fiction
- #1,781 in Space Opera Science Fiction (Kindle Store)
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Scott Westerfeld is the author of twelve New York Times bestsellers, including the multimillion-selling Uglies series. Published in thirty-five languages and loved by generations of young readers, Uglies has now been adapted as a feature film starring Joey King, streaming on Netflix in late 2024. The New York Times called the novels, "A superb piece of popular art."
The Uglies series continues in the Impostors books, all four of which are out now.
Westerfeld is also known for the Leviathan trilogy, a seminal work in the steampunk genre. Published in more than twenty countries, all three books are being adapted as an anime series by Orange Studio in Japan, streaming on Netflix worldwide in 2025.
Westerfeld's books have won many awards, including the Philip K. Dick (Special Citation), Indie Choice, and Locus, and been named New York Times Notable and ALA Best Books of the Year. His work has also won the Victorian Premier's, Aurealis, and Ditmar awards in Australia, and the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire in France.
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Customers praise the book for its engaging story, skillful writing, and attention to detail. They find it readable and well-crafted, with interesting characters and a fascinating world of technology. The style is described as different and entertaining, with an intriguing mix of science and action.
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Customers enjoy the story quality. They find the story engaging, with interesting ideas and real adventures. The setting is unique and engaging, with nifty tech and action. The book series is one of the finest works of science fiction or literature in general, and readers are eager to continue the series.
"...I really appreciate that. I get heavy-hitting sci-fi ideas and memorable characters for the time investment of a weekend, not a week...." Read more
"This two book series is one of the finest works of science fiction, or literature in general, that I have every read, and I have read it many times...." Read more
"...And, finally, the biggest issue: This book is really only half a book. It just up and ends right in the middle of things...." Read more
"...The book is well written and keeps interest throughout. It posits some interesting ideas and has a good story...." Read more
Customers praise the writing quality of the book. They find it skillfully written, well-thought-out, and brilliant. The attention to detail is impressive, and the book weaves multiple complex subplots clearly and elegantly. The story is told from multiple points of view and is robust and complex.
"...Like any great science-fiction, The Risen Empire is well-written and hosts numerous great characters...." Read more
"...It's a nicely thought-out book in an interesting universe with good characters and a steady pace. But, it does have some bothersome issues...." Read more
"...book series is one of the finest works of science fiction, or literature in general, that I have every read, and I have read it many times...." Read more
"...The book is well written and keeps interest throughout. It posits some interesting ideas and has a good story...." Read more
Customers find the book easy to read and enjoyable. They describe it as a masterful work with nice depth and mention it's better than expected.
"...anything he would write in the same world he created for this glorious work, or any other he may deign to share with us...." Read more
"...All in all it was a really good book. Now, I must acquire the next one. And a note about the cover...." Read more
"...It's top notch!" Read more
"A great read. Looking forward to the next installment. The imagined technologies are a great preview of our future development." Read more
Customers enjoy the well-developed characters and world. They find the characters interesting, robust, and complex. The book takes readers to a far future with real people and adventures. It explores human intrigue and political intrigue on par with Dune.
"...I really appreciate that. I get heavy-hitting sci-fi ideas and memorable characters for the time investment of a weekend, not a week...." Read more
"...It's a nicely thought-out book in an interesting universe with good characters and a steady pace. But, it does have some bothersome issues...." Read more
"...These two books take you to a far future with real people and real adventures...." Read more
"...empire, the physics of that reality, and the culture and characters it creates are fascinating...." Read more
Customers enjoy the book's technology and futuristic ideas. They find the science well-done, with an interesting universe and characters. The book posits an interesting take on what happens to society when death becomes the new norm.
"...has its fair share of future-politics, cool tech, and bizarre ideologies...." Read more
"...It's a nicely thought-out book in an interesting universe with good characters and a steady pace. But, it does have some bothersome issues...." Read more
"...The book is well written and keeps interest throughout. It posits some interesting ideas and has a good story...." Read more
"...It is pure science Fiction with plenty of science. Few readers will be disappointed...." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's style. They find it interesting and different enough to stand out. The book is entertaining with nifty tech and engaging action.
"...The book is a work of art - the words of each sentence carefully chosen to convey the desired effect. It is a finely crafted masterwork...." Read more
"...No! This isn't a book I lifted from my Grandpa. It's really cool. It isn't a book for old men, I swear!"..." Read more
"Interesting style. Different enough to stand out. The several story lines fit well together. What exactly is the secret. Will buy the next book." Read more
"...; Westerfeld weaves multiple complicated sub-plots clearly and elegantly...." Read more
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Fine book
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2014I've read quite a lot of science-fiction over the years, both the "classics" and the more modern titles available, both the stand-alone books and the franchise-spanning mega-series. Like any decent science-fiction, The Risen Empire (part one of a two-part story) has its fair share of future-politics, cool tech, and bizarre ideologies. Like any great science-fiction, The Risen Empire is well-written and hosts numerous great characters. However, the thing that makes The Risen Empire a rare gem compared to its many peers is that it manages to do all this in a very short space of pages. The length of the book (less than 400 pages, and large-text widely-margined pages at that) hides an amount of depth that other science fiction books don't start to touch until they're already into the 2nd or 3rd book of the series. I really appreciate that. I get heavy-hitting sci-fi ideas and memorable characters for the time investment of a weekend, not a week. Hence, the "low calories, same great taste" example given in the title. Yep, this book really does pack a lot of flavor into a small package.
The way Mr. Westerfeld pulls off this brevity is by using a writing technique I'm very fond of. Instead of filling the pages with monologues about How Things Work or inserting conveniently-stupid characters who ask all the right questions, the author just lets the story do its thing. The book starts with a nail-biting battle and a hostage situation. Many other sci-fi books wouldn't have gotten to that part of the story until you were already 20% finished. Westerfeld just jumps right in. The nature of political factions, of weapons, of AI-worshipping cults is not laid bare by pages of plain explanation. Instead, you get to learn about these things as you read and on more than one occasion my preconceptions about a faction or race were challenged. I'm all about sinking my teeth into a great multi-book series, but then you have books like this that offer 90% of the same epic feel at a fraction of the length.
If there's anything "bad" about this book, it would be the ending. It ends on a massive cliffhanger, so I'll recommend to any interested reader that they buy The Risen Empire as well as The Killing of Worlds at the same time so that you can jump right into Book 2.
- Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2017Overall, I'm rating Scott Westerfeld's "The Risen Empire: Book One of Succession" at a Very Good 4 stars out of 5. It's a nicely thought-out book in an interesting universe with good characters and a steady pace. But, it does have some bothersome issues. First, even though the science and technology are generally well done, there are the occasional things that are just wrong. Nothing big and nothing systemic. Just a few things here and there. Second, near the end of the book there's mention of using nuclear weapons to produce an EMP. Now, this book takes place at least 1,600 years in the future. Yet, they treat nuclear weapons as if they were some kind of devilish super weapon. That's just crazy. By this point in the future, nuclear weapons should be the equivalent of Bronze Age weaponry. Third, the Empire's senators spend their non-session time frozen (in stasis). How are they supposed to keep abreast of things if they spend most of their time, for all intents and purposes, dead. And, finally, the biggest issue: This book is really only half a book. It just up and ends right in the middle of things. There's no tie up at all. So, unless you have the second book handy ("The Killing of Worlds: Book Two of Succession," you're going to be a bit miffed when you turn that last page.
- Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2014This two book series is one of the finest works of science fiction, or literature in general, that I have every read, and I have read it many times. The book is a work of art - the words of each sentence carefully chosen to convey the desired effect. It is a finely crafted masterwork. I can only speculate that, having written something like this, Mr. Westerfeld is reluctant to attempt anything of this caliber, and so has written only young adult novels since. A shame. I hope he is working on something else for adults. I would eagerly devour anything he would write in the same world he created for this glorious work, or any other he may deign to share with us. It stands as one of my favorite works of all time.
Top reviews from other countries
- EmilySnowReviewed in Canada on February 16, 2018
5.0 out of 5 stars loved it
A fantastic SciFi story with loads of extremely inventive yet totally credible technology. a story told on a grand scale, through the eyes of multiple characters that makes a compelling, multi-layered epic.
Dr. Gregor LarbigReviewed in Germany on January 21, 2015
5.0 out of 5 stars Große Space Opera
Wer Frank Herbert, Dan Simmons und Lois McMaster Bujold mag, wird es lieben.
Viele schöne Details: Technik, Politik und Romance....
- K. CharltonReviewed in the United Kingdom on October 31, 2008
5.0 out of 5 stars Nearly an Epic...
I dug around a bit and discovered that 'The Risen Empire' and the 'Killing of Worlds' was one manuscript but was chopped in half because the publisher didn't think a Sci-Fi book that long from a relative unknown would sell for the higher price a larger book costs.
Or so is claimed.
A bit of a shame really because like other reviewers I think this book deserved at least a mention in the big awards.
I will review both books here.
A very original story line winds through a well thought out and well fleshed out universe that the author has taken time to make quite believable. Different political parties, a Senate, an Emperor all help the story to rise above the standard Space Opera, and make the reader believe there is a functioning Universe within the pages of this book.
Characters are well detailed with even bit players not feeling superficial or shallow. There are even different classes of people all with their own agendas or in the case of the risen, dark secrets.
The high tech military hardware and operations blend nicely with the Senatorial episodes and the love interests between Captain and politician, Captain and Exec and a data analyst and a cyborg/gestalt being are important subplots rather than just an 'interest'
The highlight of the whole book has to be the space battle between the outclassed latest Imperial prototype and an advanced sentient gestalt type race. It is a fantastic bit of story telling with heavy yet understandable science and engineering underpinning the combat. Its probably one of the best examples of what space warfare might be like I have read.
Well worth a read, just remember if you just get the first book it will cut off in the midst of the action and you will kick yourself.
- R. J. BeedReviewed in the United Kingdom on August 31, 2006
4.0 out of 5 stars Great book
I really enjoyed this book. It's big, enthralling and you can't help but get involved with the characters.
I won't give any spoilers other than to say... read it.
- Mr. G. P. SchofieldReviewed in the United Kingdom on January 21, 2013
5.0 out of 5 stars The Risen Empire Omnibus edition- Excellence personified in book form.
I first read this when the omnibus edition came out in paperback, featuring " The Risen Empire " and " The Killing of Worlds".
A fantastic, high sci- fi concept written extremely well.
The pace is just right, the characters intriguing, the story multi faceted and gripping.
Some of the concepts born in this book seem to be truly unique and are described very well, often with detailed scientific description ( none of its real of course, but it reads as real ).
The combat, both ground and space based is concisely and effectively described, and you find yourself simply drawn to the next page...and the next...and the next.
A genuine pure sci-fi story, that having just read a second time ( this time an E-book edition) in Jan 2013, I can happily say the book is every bit as good as I remember it from the first time round.
I'm not sure if the writer appreciates what he has achieved with this book, but this could be destined to be a sci-fi classic in years to come. Brilliantly written military sci-fi, with an in depth and cohesive body politic running things in the back ground.
I'm now going to move on to the next series of books Scott Westerfield has written, Starting with " Leviathan".